
Benefits of EmSculpt
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before EmSculptafter EmSculpt
What is EmSculpt?

BTL Emsculpt is the only procedure that builds muscle and burns fat at the same time without exercising, supplements or injections thus helping in your body contouring goals.

Emsculpt sculpts, tones and provides skin tightening for abdomen, buttocks, biceps, triceps, calves and thighs. This innovative solution builds abdominal muscles by generating muscle contractions in the targeted area and results continue to improve after initial treatment is completed.

EmSculpt provides non-invasive, non-surgical butt lift and skin tightening for both men and women in a 30 minute treatment.

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The 30 minute treatment does not require anesthesia.

EMSCULPT builds muscle and burns fat via electromagnetic pulses. The contractions encourage the body to grow new muscle fibers and protein strains, which simultaneously decreases unwanted fat cells. 

The electromagnetic technology of EMSCULPT causes the underlying muscles to tighten and rebuild, leaving men and women with a smoother, more fit appearance.

How does Emsculpt work?

By using high intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology, the patented EMSCULPT device induces contractions at a rapid pace, not allowing the targeted muscle to relax. 

These supramaximal contractions trigger a response that forces the targeted area to respond by burning fat and building more muscle. Just like with regular exercise, the body naturally responds by rebuilding tissue resulting in muscles that are firmer and stronger. 

Those powerful contractions create a highly effective metabolic reaction that burns fat and builds more muscle with every EMSCULPT session. Healthy men and women can add this body contouring arsenal to help them look more fit and lean in the stomach, thighs, glutes, biceps and triceps.

Answers to more questions about:

Yes, it is, specially if you do not have the time to spent hours in the gym for several months. EMSCULPT is FDA approved and considered a safe, nonsurgical option for patients wanting to forgo liposuction or a surgical procedure that requires downtime. EMSCULPT is the only body contouring device that can build muscle and burn unwanted fat at the same time. 

A 30-minute treatment with a minimum of 4 sessions scheduled 2 or 3 days a part. It is generally recommended that patients get 2 treatments a week for 2 weeks for optimal results. 

Follow-up enhancement sessions are typically recommended every 3 to 6 months to maintain that toned, lifted appearance in targeted areas. 

Emsculpt is non-invasive and requires no recovery time or any pre/post treatment preparation.

You will be able to go back to your normal activities as the lactid acid that builds up from muscle contractions if flushed our during the treatment cycles.

Patients typically start to see their results about two weeks after their last treatment, and will typically continue to improve over the next three months.

EMSCULPT is a permanent solution to destroy targeted fat cells. The muscle mass created will likely last six months or longer if patients continue strength and conditioning exercises to build muscle. Patients can enjoy their slimmer, more fit profile for a lifetime if they maintain their ideal weight.

Additional weight gain will cause remaining fat cells to grow and expand, possibly altering a patient’s results.

There are certain risks associated. They include but are not limited to muscular pain, temporary muscle spasm, temporary joint or tendon pain, local erythema or skin redness and intramuscular fat decrease.  

Men and women who are at or close to their ideal weight are the best candidates. They are health conscious and exercise regularly. They are looking for that extra definition that the exercise is not giving them. There is no age limitation. Patients who have had prior surgeries such as a C section, abdominoplasty or liposuction, will have scar tissue that may make the contractions more uncomfortable than usual.

These candidates can be treated as long as they are fully healed and have complete feeling in the treatment area.

Emsculpt helps eliminate diastasis recti concerns, it is a non invasive treatment for diastasis recti. In 7 independent clinical studies based in the U.S., Emsculpt demostrated  an 11% average improvement in diastasis recti.

Our customers can package Emsculpt with other services such as red light therapy for whole-body inflammation relief. If you are interested on this, we will discuss it during your consultation.

Muscle Up:
Recommended when BMI is 30 or less.

Muscle Up + Deeper Sculpting  or  Muscle Up + Deeper Skin Tightening

Recommended when BMI is 31 to 35.

Combines Emsculpt with Alma Accent Prime Ultrasound for additional fat cell reduction or with Alma Accent Prime Radio Frequency for skin additional skin tightening

Muscle Up + Deeper Sculpting + Deeper Skin Tightening

Recommended when BMI is 31 to 35

Combines Emsculpt with Alma Accent Prime Ultrasound for additional fat cell reduction and with Alma Accent Prime Radio Frequency for skin additional skin tightening

A treatment plan of 4 sessions is always needed when starting the program.  

However, our per package cost is reduced and added with other benefits such as body composition analysis and Fit3D optical scanning for clear measurements. 

A personal consultation is needed to finalize your pricing.

Members of Universal Healing and Wellness receive a deeper discount due to their loyalty. However, new clients can become members while signing up for an Emsculpt package and enjoy the same benefits.


Infectious Disease Physician

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